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Wow, Eric - you just made my day.  GREAT JOB with your demos!  I’ll confess, I’m not surprised - you were a terrific student and your demos show it. 

Now, throw yourself into the marketing training, and be patient - you’ve got a great sound and I wish you the very best.

Guy Arledge - Voice Actor and Such A Voice coach

1. What makes Eric unique is his ability to take almost anything (any subject matter, any group, etc) and make it into a story. He does a great job of telling a story with whatever he is given. His voice puts the listener at ease. 

2. Eric stands out from others in his ability to lead any group of people he is around. Whether teaching, telling a story or leading worship, Eric has a way of not only using his voice to perform, but also to lead.  He uses his voice for good such as leading worship at his church, comforting sick and hospice patients, counseling with people, and offering words of encouragement. He has a gift that he chooses to share for the greater good. 

3. Some of the characteristics that differentiate Eric from other people are his ability to lead, not only through example but with his voice. Eric is kind, unselfish, non competitive, and perseveres in whatever he does. Eric delivers whether on the spot or with much advanced planning. He works very hard to prepare for his work with his church,  a non profit organization. Eric has a huge heart and is a good listener. He uses his voice to uplift others and spread hope. 

Tami Owens

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